Sunday, 20 July 2014

"Vectors & Holograms" comp. by Sublimacje

Here's the new compilation exploring a synthetic reality of vectors and holograms. Have a listen.

  1. Benncart - Life Of Wonders
  2. Slugabed - Real Buds
  3. USF - Sibilant
  4. Seiho - Plastic
  5. Lone - Rapid Racer
  6. Aegyokiller - Chum
  7. Slugabed - Pure El Nino Vibes (Lockah Remix)
  8. Kuedo - Vectoral
  9. Laurel Halo - Aquifer
  10. Delorean - Unhold (Delorean Remix)
  11. Lone - Stands Tidal Waves
  12. Fisky - Ice Surf

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